The rider training alone only has the mirror and their own judgement to sense whether they are progressing and Synchronicity no doubt can give those riders an e-trainer in their pocket whenever they want. Just ride and check progress on the Apps to support your lone training programme.
But what about the trainer/rider/horse situation? Does Synchronicity get in the way?
Avansce believes that the traditional methods of training should not change too much. The trainer should use their eyes and ideas as they always have so we don’t advocate screen-based live feedback as being the way forward. Quite deliberately we assume that Synchronicity will silently and unobtrusively be the fourth party to this partnership, providing simple unbiased feedback after the riding has been done.
Once set going, Synchronicity collects data during otherwise normal riding patterns in a training session. No fleeting ride statistics or indicators to distract rider or trainer will be seen. Only when the rider comes back to halt will Synchronicity’s judgement be asked for.
Too much tech and this can happen!
So we say….
….and ride.